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Governance & Standards Forum spearheads TPB ethics exposé

The appointment of Australian Bookkeepers Association (ABA) Director, Kelvin Deer, to the Tax Practitioner's Board (TPB) Governance & Standards Forum sees ABA at the forefront of a major shift in Treasury emphasis on ethics in the financial sector

There’s no mistaking a groundswell of uncertainty around how safe many people feel when it comes to sharing financial data and dealing with financial sector institutions.

The recent PwC tax scandal along with almost daily reports of cyber security breaches have had the big and mid-end of town scrambling to explain themselves.

While the rest of the industry work to understand the repercussions for our own businesses, the federal government along with the ATO and the TPB are also seeking answers. As such. the TPB were recently given greater powers to improve the checks and balances of administering the tax system.

At the forefront of guiding that change is the TPB’s Governance and Standard’s Forum. At a timely moment in a major national shift in sentiment, Australian Bookkeepers Association (ABA) Director Kelvin Deer has taken over as it’s association’s industry representative.

This follows the retirement of former ABA Director, Cass Scott, who has passed on the baton to Kelvin.

As part of a senior group of players critical for major industry reform, Kelvin looks forward to the role and what this appointment offers BAS Agent industry and in turn ABA membership.

“A big thankyou to Cass Scott for her involvement on this panel, and I’m pleased that foundation will give BAS Agents an even more prominent voice to guide any new legislation or regulations,” said Kelvin.

“My main focus is ensuring BAS Agents give and get an equal share in maintaining a reliable, transparent and productive tax system,” said Kelvin.

Kelvin’s appointment coincides with the appointment of the (possibly aptly named) new TPB Chairman, Peter De Cure, who has emphasised his interest to crack down against financial sector fraudsters.

“It makes sense to improve professional performance and ethical conduct,” said Peter in a recent TPB statement, who acknowledges the heightened focus on, “proactively addressing the higher risk tax practitioners who drive non-compliance.”

17 Aug 2023
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